Friday, June 06, 2008

Congrats to Barack Obama!

I actually wanted to say this a few days ago, but got side-tracked by the stupid BN government...

I'm really happy that Obama won the presumptive nominee of the US Democratic Party. He became the first African American to be the presumptive presidential nominee of any major American political party in HISTORY. Let's pray that he beats McCain in November.

I prefer him anytime over Hillary Clinton. Obama has emphasized ending the Iraq war (thumbs up), increasing energy independence, decreasing the influence of lobbyists, and providing universal health care as top national priorities.

Why not Clinton? Sepuluh Dalil Kenapa Hillary Clinton Tidak Boleh Jadi Presiden AS:

1. She was the First Lady during the Whitewater scandal. Although she was found to be not guilty or in any way involved in the scandal, I don't believe the verdict. Just like Mahathir, people in that position can easily cover up any wrongdoings.

2. She was suspected to be involved in "Travelgate" and "Filegate" scandals. Although she was cleared of all accusations, do you think she is 100% innocent? The "suicide" of the lawyer investigating her, Vince Foster is too suspicious to be normal or without conspiracy.

3. She "approved" her husband's (oral) sex encounters with the intern, and numerous other women. I don't think she didn't know a thing about the affairs, if she is smart enough.

4. She initially supported the Iraq War, and then changed her mind and opposed it. Fickle minded?

5. My colleagues in the US are all against her. They prefer Obama over her because they think that Clinton is all talk, no action. Have you heard one of her speeches? Versus Obama's? It's not a surprise many thinks she's got no substance - writers for The Washington Post, ABC News, The Politico, and other outlets, characterized her as a rare poor debate performance against Obama, Edwards, and her other opponents.

6. She voted against the Energy Policy Act of 2005, meaning that in contrary to Obama, opposes energy independence or the attempt to combat growing energy problems, or changes to the energy policy of the United States by providing tax incentives and loan guarantees for energy production of various types. Why would anyone want to oppose such kind of initiatives? Weird.

7. In July 2004 and June 2006, Clinton voted against the Federal Marriage Amendment that sought to prohibit same-sex marriage. She approves gays and lesbians huh?

8. Several remarks by Bill Clinton and other surrogates, and one remark by Hillary Clinton concerning Martin Luther King, Jr. and Lyndon B. Johnson, were perceived by many as, accidentally or intentionally, limiting Obama as a racially-oriented candidate or otherwise denying the post-racial significance and accomplishments of his campaign. Why go to that extent?

9. Clinton's admission in late March that her campaign statements about having been under hostile fire from snipers during a 1996 visit to U.S. troops at Tuzla Air Base in Bosnia-Herzegovina, contradicted by video footage from the time, were not true. This attracted considerable media attention, and risked undermining both her credibility and her claims of foreign policy expertise as First Lady.

10. Would you vote for her based on the above, JUST BECAUSE YOU WANT A WOMAN TO BE THE FIRST PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES? Let's be more realistic and choose someone who can really bring about a CHANGE in the current situation, someone who gives HOPE and FULFILLS them, not just talk CRAP.



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